Monday, May 17, 2010

Final posting

23 things-- I enjoyed having a schedule for learning new items. I would not consider myself very technology literate but the posts were clear and the directions were very clear. The Lafevre videos were wonderful. Help was only a question away!
What did I learn--I can't begin to enumerate --each application had its advantages and disadvantages. At least, I can say I have heard of them now! There were times I was frustrated and wondered why I ever started 23 things Kansas but my spirit was uplifted to know there were other librarians in the same boat! Overall, it was a wonderful experience that we could complete in our own time and place. I am very glad I participated.
I also learned a bit about passwords--not to have too many of them or to keep them in one place. I started off with 1 or 2 user id's and passwords, but then I ran into some sites that required numbers or a certain number of digits. So now I have a hard copy file! Should transfer this to a computer!
I was finally able to listen to the archived webinar yesterday. After 2 weeks of trying to figure out why I did not receive sound on my home computer, I tried the school computer. Bingo. Even though I had some interruptions, I loved listening to everyones' ideas. There is just no end to how to use technology. ! We are constant learners!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 15--Wiki's

This was a new tool for me even though I have heard of them. For the 1st activity, I did not feel comfortable editing so I explore the wiki's from the link he provided. I was amazed at how many are out there that pertain to library practices. The tip of the iceberg is all that I did this time, but I do get the general gist of the process.
For activity 2, I followed his directions and added my page to the 23 Things Kansas Participants. Our thoughts should be of interest to all the other people who have been following 23 Things.
It was an excellent summary activity.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 14--Library Thing,etc.

I signed up for an account on Shelfari. I was amazed at the possibilities. I did add a book to my bookshelf that I want to read and one that I am reading. Wow--easy! Hopefully, I will have time to explore more of Shelfari's offerings this summer. Library Thing sounds interesting also. Being a school librarian I am always interested in what other librarians have to say about the William Allen White award list and what problems and solutions they encounter in the school system. These two sites give direct ,electronic access to ideas and thoughts about books.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 13 Slidesharing

This was an interesting experience. Like Google docs, Zoho is free and easy. I really was surpised that this was one of my easiest lessons. Thanks, Cindi.
My top priority was to create a simple slideshow to introduce my students to the new William Allen White nominees. I cannnot use this until after this years winners are announced and I request other professionals who access my blog to restrain from using it until after they are announced also.

Week 12 Screencasting

Perhaps all of us are getting behind as school gets closer and closer to the end. I will try to catch up. We don't have many lessons to go. As professional development chair in my district, I needed a way to illustrate how to fill out the point request forms. The following is a tutorial for

My screencast-- -concerns the electronic forms for new staff members to fill out when they request professional development points. They can access the website and view the form and then I can answer questions if necessary.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 10-Video on the Web.

Wow! This was so much easier than I thought it would be. Thanks for all the simple instructions. I chose to embed a video that a colleague had shared with a list serve that I subscribe to. It shows the creativedness of students when given an opportunity to experiment with video. Same person singing different parts and then digtally putting it together.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Week 9-Instant Messaging

Wow! So many ways to communicate with people! I used Meebo and then pulled in my Facebook friends.It worked! I also found a comment on the IM lesson from someone who used the same services as myself , so I contacted her.
I also can see using this with my para instead of emails that take forever to go and come!
I don't know if anyone else is over whelmed with information, but I have to do it in sections. I am learning.
Signing onto the 23thingskansas channel was unique--I could only do it on Saturday morning and no one else was online. But I can see where that would be helpful. Sort of like the KASL listserve where you could ask for help. I don't know what I am doing here, but I could not get my page to link. I could get the link to Meebo but not to my page.